Monday, 15 August 2011

Day 73

I'm back people!! Did 100 lengths last night. It's suprising how much a week off can affect you! I felt like a baby giraffe who hasn't quite managed to coordinate their limbs enough to walk properly. On the plus side, I'm not hurting too much this morning, which I feared I would.

France was lovely, we went to see the Bayeux tapestry, where there were steps to get in, which is a problem as we were with Hugh. So we went round the back and skipped all of the queues :-)
We also went to the Normandy beaches. I was there before, but it was 10 years ago. I didn't really 'get' the war side of it. To me, it was a bit like tellytubby land, with all of the bomb craters and bunkers. This time I got what it was all about.

I hope you're all well. Don't forget to keep watching my video! The closing date is a week tomorrow.

4713 down, 4493 to go

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