No time to swim today. And as I found it so hard yesterday, maybe the day off will do me good. That's what I'm hoping anyway.
The pub today was entertaining. Mostly because I can be a bit dizty. Today, a woman asked for a Carling and lime, so I put a slice in her glass. Turns out she wanted lime cordial. It seems obvious now, but my thought process was that when someone asks for a Coke and lemon you don't put lemonade in it! And also, one has lager and a slice in Corona :-P
(Update 28/9/6/11 one of the regulars came in yesterday and asked for Carling and a slice of lime. I thought she had been told the story and was taking the mick. Turns out that she likes lime in her Carling. So I'm not that silly!)
I'm off on a date with my lovely Hugh, as well as Aiden and Hannah today. It should be fun :-) I don't know where we're going. Exciting stuff!
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