Friday, 17 June 2011

Hugh made me a poster :-)

Thank you Hugh :-)

And thank you to Aiden and Lianne for sponsoring me yesterday.

I'd also like to thank people who've put money in my collecting boxes. There's one at the Spread Eagle pub (and I only sweet-talked a few people men into putting there change in it while I was behind the bar last night), and there's one at Bury Leisure Centre.

I'd also like to thank my sister Carli. She made two batches of brownies yesterday (and kept an eye on my two batches while they were in the oven). She then took a HUGE box of brownies to BSEAODS rehearsals last night and told everyone they could only have one if they donated some money. So thank you to her and thank you to all of the people who gave money (Carli informs me that someone gave a fiver. Thank you especially to them). You don't know me, and yet you're still supporting my cause. I really appreciate it.

Anyway, this is started to sound like an acceptance speech. I'll blog again after my swim this afternoon, although I probably wont have much to say as I seem to have said it here. I'm sure I'll think of something. I have the gift of the gab. 

BLC, it's your turn. I'm bringing brownies this afternoon. Bring money.

PS, I was also in the Bury Mercury this week. I shall put up a scan when I have time (how do I fit uni work in during term time?!?), but it's basically the same as the EADT article.

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