Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Day 61

Sorry there's been no blog for a week. I've been crazy-busy working and getting ready for our holiday to Normandy on Friday.

So, what have I done on the swimming front this week? I've swum 301 lengths since the last blog, which I'm really disappointed in. I wasn't well at the end of last week, nor today, and Friday and Saturday I was working the entire time that the pool was open.

I did none Thursday (ill), Friday (working) or Saturday (working), 100 Sunday, 50 Monday, 111 yesterday and 40 today.

I'm hoping that the week off will help. I ache all over, especially my back and shoulders. I'm also exhausted with all of this working and swimming. A week away from the pool should do me good!

I also wrote a load of letters and took them in (with Carli's help) to local businesses. Today I got a reply from Denny Bros containing a cheque for £50, which is fantastic. This means that I am 75% of the way to £1500!! Thank you to everyone who has sponsored me so far, and if you haven't, please can you? You can do it online at

And don't forget to watch my video on the right :-)

4553 down, 4653 to go

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