Tuesday, 28 June 2011

I need your help

Right, so, JustGiving, the website which I use for my online donations, launched JustTextGiving last week. It means that people can sponsor by texting a code and the amount they pledge (£1, £2, £3, £5 or £10) to 70070. My code is LEXY91, so if you wanted to sponsor me £10, you'd send a message saying LEXY91 £10 to 70070. The message doesn't cost anything, and the donation is taken out of your credit balance/added to your bill at the end of the month (as applicable).

"To celebrate the launch of JustTextGiving, we are running a creative video competition. Just think of a fun and inventive way of fundraising with your text code. Will you print it out on your running vest? Will you write it on your forehead for a week?! Just watch our video, create a short video response with your idea, and get all your friends and family to view it. The video with the most views by 23rd July will win a £500 donation to their fundraising page and be featured on our blog. Two runners-up (picked by a panel of judges) will win £200 donations too. It could make a huge difference to your charity… and a bit of fun for you!" (From the JustGiving blog: http://blog.justgiving.com/community/justtextgiving-video-competition/)

Now, being competitive as I am (and also wanting to raise extra money for TAG), I'd like to enter this competition.

But the problem is, I'm not particularly creative. I can bake, but you can't really make a video out of that, and also baking cakes in the shape of my code, or icing my code on fairycakes has already been done.

So, I'd like to ask your help in thinking of an idea (I'll also be asking your help to make my video the most viewed, but first things first).

If you have any ideas, please could you let me know? You can email me at justkeepswimming-alexmccourt@hotmail.co.uk

Thank you :-)

I'd also like to thank Ray at Cecil and Larter. I wrote to them last week and he sponsored me £50. I'm now almost 90% of the way to my total, and over £800!! I'm really, really pleased :-)

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