Sunday, 5 June 2011

Day 2

A late one today. I've had a busy evening at Hugh's parents' who have just come back from Portugal. Lucky sods!

I did 100 lengths today and it nearly killed me! I'm not as fit as it used to be, but it shall come. I've got 90-odd more days of this! I didn't catch up the extra 50 from yesterday, but as my Mum rightly said, it would be a bit of a shock to the system to go from 0-50-150 lengths in 3 days.

I used my MP3 player in the pool today. It was good but I need to adjust it as it cut the blood circulation off to my ears!

You all should buy the East Anglian Daily Times tomorrow. I'll probably be in it with a (not so) beautiful picture of me.

Just a short one today. Super-sleepy.

Please, please sponsor me, if you haven't already.

150 down, 9110 to go

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