Thursday, 24 November 2011

I got another donation!

I got a call from my sister Caroline the other day. I was asleep so I found it very confusing.

"Someone gave Carl at work £5 for your swim. He's given it to me to give to you, but I don't know who it was who gave it to Carl. I've also forgotten if Carl could remember who gave it to him in the first place. Whatever. Even if he did remember, I've forgotten. Basically, I've got a donation here for you from someone"

(She wants to be a doctor. I fear the future of the NHS!)

Anyway, after some investigative work (I tweeted Carl), it turns out the anonymous donor was, in fact, another gentleman who I used to swim with in the evenings. I'm afraid I don't know his name, but I'd like to thank him very much for the donation!!

(I didn't mean it Carli. I'm sure you'll be a wonderful doctor. Love you really xxx)

Sunday, 13 November 2011

You're not getting rid of me!

I got an update from British Sugar today. You might remember that they promised to sponsor me earlier in the summer, but couldn't let me know the date until Autumn time. Well yesterday I got a letter from them saying that they will sponsor me £100, which is really fantastic!

So I've now raised almost £1800, including Gift Aid. It's phenomenal!

Thank you to them :-)

This weekend I was also back into the pool to compete for the first time in years and years for the BUCS swimming championships at the national pool in Sheffield. It was wonderful fun but I'm exhausted now!

Is it too early to go to bed?